Sunday, January 01, 2012


Hey Guys... Wish ya a happy new year and hope all your dreams and desires come true this year... (Am not even sure if anyone even reads to blog to receive the greeting)

So, Continuing with the tradition of having atleast one post a year let me get this one done on the first day of the year itself..

And here is my wishlist / To-Do list for 2012!!

1. Travel more!! Got to get atleast 4 vacations done this year... Each of atleast 4 days..
2. Give more structure and thought to the entrepreneurial venture
3. A movie a week... (no not in theaters but torrentz it)
4. Tennis on weekends
5. Would like give up non-veg food & aerated drinks for atleast a couple of months to begin with
6. Go out on atleast one Date... (Have absolutely no clue on how I will get this one done.. but atleast for once would like to ask a girl out)
7. Explore and learns new areas on a professional front (2011 was extremely horrid.. Need to regain the zeal)
8. Will not contemplate much and will take more decisions purely on the concept of "Leap of faith"
9. Buy an apple product (ipod / iphone)
10. Will blog atleast once more :P

Oh and would be a good idea if you guys could suggest things I need to work out / get right in 2012...

Awaiting suggestions!!

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